SiteStripe Help

What is SiteStripe?

The new SiteStripe feature allows you to create links directly from the site without having to visit Associates Central. It lets you build links to any page on Amazon, and even share those links on Facebook or Twitter. It also has handy short-cuts to some other useful Associates pages.

What's new in the latest release?

The new SiteStripe has a new look and feel that we think will make it easier for you to create links directly from the site without having to visit Associates Central. Here are the key SiteStripe features:
  • Get Link: Text – lets you build short and long links to the current Amazon page you are viewing. Your Associate ID and tracking ID are already included in the short link. Your last used Associate ID and tracking ID is incorporated in the initially generated short link. You also have the option of specifying the Associate ID and tracking ID to use in the short link. Copy the generated short link and paste it into the code for your website or to use in your Facebook and Twitter posts. The linking options vary depending on whether you are on a product detail page or not. Links to specific products can only be made if you are viewing that specific product.
  • Get Link: Image – lets you build image links to the current Amazon product page you are viewing. Your last used Associate ID and tracking ID is incorporated in the initially generated link. You also have the option of updating the Associate ID and tracking ID to use in the link.
  • Get Link: Text+Image – lets you build text and image links to the current Amazon product page you are viewing. Your last used Associate ID and tracking ID is incorporated in the initially generated link. You also have the option of updating the Associate ID and tracking ID to use in the link.
  • Share: on Twitter or Facebook – lets you post a quick update to Twitter or Facebook through your own Twitter/Facebook account with a URL to the current Amazon page being viewed. When you click the Facebook or Twitter button, a new window will open in which you can log in to your Twitter/Facebook account if you’re not already logged in. On that page, you will also have the option to change the default message before posting it.
  • Earnings – links you to your Earnings Summary report. You will be asked to log-in to your Associates Account before viewing your report to ensure the privacy of your report information.
  • Help – links to this help page

How Do I Turn SiteStripe On?

To see the SiteStripe you need to be recognised as the Amazon customer corresponding to your Associates account. Ensure that you are signed-in to Amazon using your Associates account by looking at the top of the page.

If there is no name at the top, click the “Sign in to get personalised recommendations” link and sign-in using your Associates account information.
If the name at the top is incorrect, or you are not sure you are using the correct account, select the “(Not <username>)” link (where <username> is an actual account name) and sign-in using your Associates account information.

How Can I Change the Settings for SiteStripe?

You can control whether to view the SiteStripe or not from the Settings button on the SiteStripe or by logging in to Associate Central and then going to your Account Settings - Associates SiteStripe Options. The SiteStripe Options allow you to control the features that you see on the SiteStripe as well as turning the display of the Stripe on or off.

How Do I Turn the SiteStripe On or Off?

To turn the SiteStripe on or off, simply click to the Settings icon on SiteStripe and choose 'Turn Off SiteStripe' option. You can also go to theAccount Settings - Associates SiteStripe Options section of Associate Central and select the appropriate option to turn the Stripe off or on.